Vagrant port forwarding not working mac ; I was able to see the nginx homepage of guest-machine from host-machine's browser. So that certainly seems to remove any confusion. It is possible that you hit port collisions problem, try to enable auto correct. I do have it setup for NAT and Host-Only networking. I tried this but did not work. Hey everyone, I’m currently working on a task involving running my Rails (Movie) app through Vagrant using the Docker provider. If I ssh to the vagrant environment You don't need to do port forwarding (actually you cannot do port forwarding in VirtualBox for bridged mode). Obviously I forwarded the port and I've tried with several ports. Hot Network Questions Do academic researchers generally not worry about their work infringing on patents? Have there been cases where they wish they had? Word/phrase for avoiding a task because it has a lot of unknowns Is Heaven I'm on Ubuntu Linux 14. Hot Network Questions Should we mention chapter/section of a book we are citing? How to understand words "complete action" as an indicator of Past Simple What was the prehistoric human impact of the Vela supernova? Do non-physical and Vagrant Port Forwarding on Mac OS X Lion. Running Consul on Vagrant: Port forwarding from guest to host not working on Mac OS X. 3 Port forwarding vagrant on windows. I'm trying to use Parallels with Vagrant. Vagrant has an auto_correct feature to help fix that. It is common when running multiple Vagrant machines to unknowingly create forwarded port definitions that collide with each other (two separate Vagrant projects forwarded to port 8080, for example). Access Windows + Vagrant port forwarding not working. Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X) it is not possible to bind to ports below 1024 from applications that are not run by root. yaml file. ss1 ss1. ssh. This feature is needed if you wish interact with the application running I’m running a django app in the guest machine, but when i try to open it in my browser on the host machine it is stuck on loading. For example, if vagrant port forward not working, iptables not running. But when I try to access to my app in VM from host machine, I can't. I have set up the port-forwarding as such within the Vagrantfile: Vagrantfile As explained in Mitchell's answer here: Vagrant's port forwarding not working I should have been listening on 0. The thing is I can't access it in any way I try from the host machine. Connect to node js server running on vagrant machine. The forwarded port to 8080 I've set up port forwarding in vagrantfile and when I run 'vagrant up' everything is ok and there is no errors. How do I remove a forwarded port in Vagrant? 1. 0 How to connect to a server in Vagrant from Mac OSX? 1 when i vagrant up, port 80 is not forwarded. Hot Network Questions Air pressure and height What is abstract music? Vagrant/Mac port forwarding is not working. 2. On vagrant up I I tried the same setup with given above vagrant file in my machine. On the first boot I did get thrown into the UEFI shell as described in the UTM instructions Troubleshooting section. efi as Forwarding Additional Ports. Vagrant. g. 99. Vagrant + Docker + Postgresql - Cannot connect from host. But if you already have a running system, calling vagrant reload will apply them The default settings for vagrant-qemu plugin will not work for running Intel based images, so we’ll have to make some adjustments to the Vagrant configuration as of May 2024, that port forwarding does not currently function due to vagrant-qemu issue 40. Vagrant VirtualBox doesn't properly port-forward. In my case it complains that every port is already in use by the host. For you Vagrant machine to provide some services (such as a web server on port 80), The nodes are running ubuntu 22 and ufw is not enabled. While this port was marked to be auto-corrected, the ports in the auto-correction range are all also used. asked Jul 12, 2022 at 2:59. network :public_network into the Vagrant. Here is a quote of his answer: Vagrant/Mac port forwarding is not working. Unable to access Sinatra app on host machine with Vagrant forwarded ports. Inside the guest I'm experimenting with Docker, and have a few different containers running. inet. 1 Vagrant: port forwarding is working oddly. (IP Forwarding is disabled) Manually enabling IP Forwarding restores connectivity from the guest. Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X) it is not possible to bind to ports below 1024 from applications that are not run by At the moment we have created a VM with Ventura running on Parallels and we have configured the port forwarding to access from outside the host on a specific port, and this Vagrant port forwarding not working on Mavericks. Follow edited Jul 12, 2022 at 3:38. 2 Vagrant: Accessing host machine That IP is its address on the private network - because as far as your computer is concerned the vm is another physical machine. They work fine from within the VM. On my machine running Windows 10, I found 2380 to be the first port for which the TCP redirect can be established. 04 + port forwarding; It doesn´t work; Using the IP number instead of localhost/127. ip. 0:10443 -> 8443 then was able to access the K8s dashboard via the token auth method After the hosts connects to the AWS Client VPN, the guest looses access to anything but the host. Here are the steps I’ve taken: Running into an issue on windows 7 64 bit with VMware Workstation 9. kubernetes; vagrant; argocd; Share. 1:3000 to access the guest. mac. The forwarded port to 8081 is already in use on the host machine. PS C:\dev\web> vagrant up Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider ==> default: Importing base box 'ubuntu/trusty32' ==> default: Matching MAC address for NAT networking ==> default: Checking if box 'ubuntu/trusty32' is up to I'm trying to set up my project into virtual machine so I can work with it from my host machine. 0 Getting > web01: Destroying VM and associated drives while Based on the output provided, the box has 2 network interfaces, 1 is the default NAT and the other private - ask you said. Hot Network Questions Disable 3-press emergency dial feature on Nokia G50 after visiting India JS function logic for calling Uniswap v4 getPositionInfo IBM thought the PC would only Vagrant Port Forwarding not working. Combine that with some port forwarding rules on the host machine (using the ipfw utility) so that 80 goes to 8080 on the host machine. 9. 6,403 11 11 gold badges 64 64 silver badges 103 103 bronze badges. VMware Workstation has a bug on Windows where forwarded ports do not work properly. xml with the line address="0. If you have found a problem that seems similar to this, please open a new issue and complete the issue template so we can capture all the details necessary to investigate further. . I'm trying to forward two ports. 0 Forwarding from 0. Dreamystify. why i can't access the webserver inside vagrant via my web browser? 1. port5432 port5432. Vagrant Port Fowarding on Windows. Hot Network Questions Are these disks with holes homeomorphic? Determine the chess knight’s Hi there, I am having issues setting up a very basic Vagrant box with VMware provider (Fusion 12) on macOS 11. 4)-salt on Virtual box 4. 0. Im running on a Mac. 37 Using Vault with docker-compose file. Vagrant VirtualBox I've just run into a problem on current versions of Mac OSX (10. Hot Network Questions Can passenger-carried bags that have cleared TSA inspections and are not suspicious be searched or seized at US airport? Using Modern Technology How Do We Slow Down and Capture 2024 YR4? Add 2 matches to make a valid expression - 242+02 Vagrant port forwarding not working on Mavericks. 4. 128 on port 80. To use bridge mode (Public Network), in your Vagrantfile add config. I can even make a quick curl to my localhost:631 (cups port inside my vagrant) and there's everything. Load 7 more related questions Show fewer related questions Sorted by: Reset to default Know someone Vagrant: Port forwarding not working (no service iptables started, provisioned by salt) 0. 3306; 80; 8080; I tried to spin up the same vagrant box and found that it used the same ports. yaml. We can use iptables on the guest to forward all traffic to a local port on the guest to a remote port on the host. 0 vagrant port forward not working, iptables not running Is it normal to get an Apple airtag tracking notification on a train? Is there a reason that Heinlein omitted "Let There Problem JBoss is unable to port-forward its http transport for web service endpoints using Vagrant/VirtualBox. "Next, run the [vagrant up] command in your terminal and access your project at homestead. Modified 2 years, 1 month ago. Related questions. Hot Network Questions VT320 over ttyUSB0 crashes when encountering emoji Uniform vagrant port forward not working, iptables not running. local:8080 is accessible at site. Vagrant: Forwarded Ports doesn't work. I have Parallels Desktop for Mac version 10, and have brought up my vm with services running in it on ports 8080 and 9200. config. To solve this problem, Homestead includes its I also have trouble with port forwarding. We need to ensure vagrant port forward not working, iptables not running. network :forwarded_port, guest: xxxx, host: 2223, auto_correct: true config. django server not running on host with vagrant. Try to do a quick nmap scan on the host, see if the port 4500 is open, or enable debugging output when starting the VM to see why port forwarding fails. unable Keep in mind that it will probably work only on Windows hosts, since Linux and Mac OS X both require root privileges to forward to ports < 1024. network :forwarded_port, guest: 9292, host: 4567. test or the domain of your choice if you are not using automatic hostname resolution. for. It was causing the sanity check ssh connection to timeout indefinitely. d/boxes/ The above path had other versions of vagrant files that listed the port 8000. 40. When I run “vagrant port dev” it reveals this $ vagrant port dev The forwarded ports for the machine are listed below. 4 Vagrant ubuntu/trusty64 not port forwarding on mac. date: June 12, 2013), written by the creator of Vagrant, he mentioned that it is not possible for guest machine to access services running on the host machine. Hot Network Questions How exactly does energy transformation take place? What could keep a giant spider population in check? Can flour used as a thickener burn? How to efficiently repeat defining similar commands? Is the Internally everything works just fine. You can pass this in as an env var using -e if you want to keep I created the vm with vagrant (virtualbox) and then i added port forwarding in my new Vm like for apache2 80 - 9797. vagrant; portforwarding; Share. On my machine I get "site is unreachable". ; Applying Forwarded Ports. 0 How to setup vault on an external server. 7. There are 2 things you need to configure. This helps our maintainers find and focus on the active issues. Vagrant is not port forwarding with VirtualBox and PuPHPet. Forwarded ports are applied during vagrant up like any other configuration. From the new box i tried to create vm. SSH Key - Still asking for password and passphrase. My vagrant file is realy simple: While the virtual machine is running, any changes to the Vagrantfile are not properly registered by the machine even if you run vagrant up. Forwarding host ports < 1024 impossible: On Unix-based hosts (e. vagrant port forward not working, iptables not running. Vagrant port forwarding not working, no errors. Access forwarded port in vagrant over network. 1 Connected to localhost. This happens when not specifying any network settings at all: Vagrantfile: Vagrant. web. Thanks for any suggestion! vagrant; vagrantfile; Share. Community Bot. iptables Hackery. Chef MySql Cookbook: MySql does not start after reboot. Cups not accesible from host Empty reply from server - can't connect to vagrant vm w/port forwarding Connection Reset when port forwarding with Vagrant So I tried configuring the Connectors in Tomcat's server. Is it normal to get an Apple airtag tracking notification on a train? more hot questions Question feed Subscribe to RSS Question feed To subscribe to this RSS then was able to restart and issue the port forward command: sudo microk8s kubectl port-forward -n kube-system service/kubernetes-dashboard 10443:443 --address 0. hostname = "node. I am on windows 7. Stopped for some reason. Now the new VM i I have vagrant vm centos 7 running ssh on XXXX port (not default 22) How can I connect to XXXX port using "vagrant ssh" command. 8. Pros of using Host-Only Networks over Forwarded Ports. If you wish, you may forward additional ports to the Vagrant box by defining a ports configuration entry within your Homestead. But this is not On MacOS, --net=host does not work for allowing your container process to connect to your host machine using localhost. ports: - send: 33060 # MySQL/MariaDB to: 3306 - send: 5173 to: 5173 Fail. 04 #9750. 1, Host port : 3000, Guest IP : "guest ip", Guest port : 3000. I've set up port forwarding in vagrantfile and when I run 'vagrant up' everything is ok and there is no errors. " Vagrant/Mac port forwarding is not working. Can't connect to PostgreSQL server running in I just can get pfctl to forward my ports. Background. internal instead of localhost. 14) where the default ssh port 2222 is both unused and unbound by vagrant up. For example: If the guest machine is running a web server listening on port Modify the port forward line to: machine. Set up vagrant to forward host: 8080 to guest: 80. Instead, have your container connect to the special MacOS only hostname docker. and point your browser (on the host) to https://localhost:4567. I tried, the following: How to set up port forwarding from Windows host to Vagrant Linux VM to Docker containers? thanks to @analytik. 1 Vagrant is not port forwarding with VirtualBox and PuPHPet. 99:5000. VAGRANT_LOG=info vagrant up. 11 Forward host port to guest Vagrant/Mac port forwarding is not working. No extra parameters are needed to docker run for this to work. Vagrant forwards port 8080 on the host to 80 on the guest. 1 Port 2222. ; host port - The port on your local machine you want to use to access the guest port. Follow edited May 23, 2017 at 12:17. vm. Viewed 23k times 2 . 4) and VirtualBox (4. configure(“2”) do |config| config. 0 vagrant up ==> default: Forwarding ports As a note, in the Vagrantfile configuration, a port forwarding from 43222 to 22 is established, this is reflected in the Parallels configuration successfully (the port forwarding rule appears), but it does not work, so you have to use the ssh -L command to perform port forwarding from the host (so the same port is reused), in this second case, when performing a lsof order, I'm using a vagrant trusty64 box with nginx, flask, gunicorn and port forwarding is not working as expected In the vagrant file, I have: config. The reason I am using these version is because the work on my local ubuntu. Win10 + Vagrant + Hyper-V + Ubuntu 16. As you can see above the ports forwarding is being done successfullly. Then 8080 will get sent back to Vagrant forwarded ports allow you to access a port on your host machine and have all data forwarded to a port on the guest machine, over either TCP or UDP. local? So I add ports in Homestead. 28. My Vagrantfile has the following for that. configure block and do a vagrant reload, it should work flawlessly. If you look at the documentation for that vagrant file, it shows that the following ports are already defined. port Vagrant: Port forwarding not working (no service iptables started, provisioned by salt) 0. Port forwarding setup First boot. I have a vagrantfile specified to forward ports for passenger, on vagrant up it claims that it has forwarded the ports, however this is not the case, when I start my application I can run . 13 Vagrant port forwarding for Mysql. 2 Can't access my Vagrant's remote webserver Vagrant/Mac port forwarding is not working. network "forwarded_port", guest: 4500, host: Ports are hard coded in the vagrant file. curl 0. 6 unable to connect to localhost:8080 with Vagrant and Ubuntu. Vagrant cannot forward the specified ports on this VM. On left side I have my guest/vagrant Vagrant/Mac port forwarding is not working. I can't access vagrant from url. 2 and Vagrant 1. For the record, I've tried the workarounds to get systemd running on WSL and simulate infrastructure on LXD, and wait for Vagrant to set the forwarding port, (starting from 2222 vagrant try until it finds one available) ==> ing-rhel-7: Forwarding ports ing-rhel-7: 22 (guest) => 2222 (host) Vagrant is not port forwarding with VirtualBox and PuPHPet. My Problem: I can only access my sites through port 8000, but not 80, which makes me think it is not redirecting 80 to 8000 as it says it should be. 50. box = “centos/7” end vagrant up --provider=vmware_desktop Bringing machine ‘default’ up with ‘vmware_desktop’ provider. 0. Django + Vagrant VM suddenly says Errno 111: connection refused. saumitrapatil2703 March 26, 2024, 5:02am 1. Vagrant and Rails Vagrant: Port forwarding not working (no service iptables started, provisioned by salt) Related questions. Vagrant File Contents: node. forwarding=1 net. Follow asked Jan 26, 2022 at 17:23. and get a result from my rails application, however outside vagrant I cannot connect to the server. Steps to reproduce. vagrant; Share. 1 Vagrant port not exposed. How can I access Postgresql hosted in Vagrant as a guest in Windows? 1. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 8 months ago. This feature is needed if you wish interact with the application running on the virtual guest. Instead of using Forwarded Ports, you could set up a private network using Host-Only Networks. The most weird thing is that I can connect mysql via 33060 from mac, which means port forwarding is working. ; In guest-machine nginx running But from outside my VM, I don’t seem to be able to connect to that port $ telnet localhost 1234 Trying 127. 7 Pass vault password to vagrants ansible_local provisioner. Vagrant has built-in support for this via the vagrant share command; however, this will not work if you have multiple sites configured in your Homestead. configure("2") do |config| config. network "forwarded_port", guest: 8080, host: 8080 # jboss web. when i vagrant up, port 80 is not forwarded. The port forwarding rule will be something like (you might add one for UDP also) Protocol : TCP, Host IP : 127. host. Hot Network Questions Did the Moon really "ring like a bell" when "Apollo 12 punted its ascent stage" into it? If "no one knows why" exactly, what are the primary theories? I found the solution in a hypernode-vagrant issue: VirtualBox fails to establish the port forwarding for SSH on Vagrant's standard port 2222, but higher ports work. This is my Vagrantfile (using default Issue: When you run vagrant up you get this error: “Vagrant cannot forward the specified ports on this VM, since they would collide with some other application that is already listening on these ports. "Except in my case, its not actually doing the forward, its trying to access 4567 on my If you just started a Vagrant box with this Vagrantfile, there is nothing more than an empty Ubuntu Lucid, which does not run any service yet. In that issue, ports >= 4000 worked, whereas ports <= 3500 would fail. box = "ubuntu/trusty64" # forward port guest machine:5000 -> host machine:5000 # port 5000 is default for flask web app config. Empty reply from server - can't connect to vagrant vm w/port forwarding. I'm trying to set up my project into virtual machine so I can work with it from my host machine. My vagrant file Vagrant found a port collision for the specified port and virtual machine. network "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host: 80 forward_port is a method which takes two arguments:. I attempted the step, but it didn't seem to bear fruit. Follow edited Sep 14, 2015 at Vagrant/Mac port forwarding is not working. network :forwarded_port, guest: 22, host: 2222, id: "ssh" , disabled: true config. My Host OS - Linux Mint17 and Guest OS is CentOS 6. 0:3000. Escape character is '^]'. network "forwarded_port", guest: 8080, host: 8080 # Elasticsearch config. Once I pruned them all using the below command I was able to run vagrant up successfully Vagrant: Port forwarding not working (no service iptables started, provisioned by salt) 0. So there is nothing served on port 80, this is why there is nothing to see either from inside the box on port 80 or the host machine on 8080. These limitations normally don't affect standard network use. 3. I've been trying all day and can't seem to get port forwarding on my Vagrant VM to work, I'm running a rails application using Thin as the web server and can successfully access the app from the IP 192. 3 on a headless ubuntu 14. Then you can use 127. Vagrant/Mac port forwarding is not working. network "forwarded_port", guest: 9990, host: 9990 # jboss management console On vagrant up web I can see in console ==> web: Forwarding ports But when I try to access localhost from host windows os using the port that I specified in port forwarding, I am not able to access that. I’m running a django app in the guest machine, but when i try to open it in my browser on the host machine it is stuck on loading. Vagrant cannot forward the specified ports on this VM, since they would collide with some other application that is already listening on these ports. 131. In my case, I had changed the forwarding ports while the vagrant was running. Vagrant: port forwarding is working oddly. You can choose something else I recently learned, as of May 2024, that port forwarding does not currently function due to vagrant-qemu issue 40. 0" but the result was the same. as Virtualbox VMs on Windows directly, but it doesn't seem to work as good as on Linux/Mac. 1" as the port forwarding host IP. 04. 1,191 1 1 Vagrant/Mac port forwarding is not working. My observations: Script part of your vagrant file did not install nginx in my local vagrant. EXPECTED: Vagrant port collision will kick in and assign a different port ACTUAL: Ports collide and last VM gets the forwarded port. I've also tried with Debian squeeze and Ubuntu 12. I want port forwarding so that I can forward apache tomcat on my local machine. configure(2) do |config| # use default box config. I am running Vagrant w/ Virtualbox on my Mac, and have a CentOS 7 guest. vagrant init emessiha/ubuntu64-java \ --box-version 1. vagrant port forwarding doesn't work: Connection reset by peer. To ensure that all the changes get reflected correctly, the virtual machine should be halted and then run again. It's not working though I've specified the port number and private network IPs like in their documentation. ==> default: the port forwarding doesn't work. If any problems occur, please try a ==> default: port higher than 1024. To i get this output when i vagrant up, port 80 is not forwarding so how i will be able to access the site via web browser. Fix: Phil's answer provided a solution ~/. 1 1 1 silver badge. Port forwarding says, "Okay, if I receive a request on port 4567, I should forward that request to the other machine located at 192. vagrant port forwarding does not work. asked Jun 27, 2014 at 21:27. forwarding: 0 -> 1 However, a week-end later and many headaches/broken keyboards later, this still doesn't work. image 1909×425 138 KB. e. If any I am running vagrant(1. In VagranFile, you need configure port forwarding. However, with this in my Vagrantfile: # Kibana config. Connection closed by foreign host. Vagrant: Cannot access Rails server via localhost:8080. How can I force VirtualBox to run as root on port 80 (regarded as a bad idea) Alternatively, how can I setup port forwarding on the Windows machine so that site. Salt is a standalone one. Hot Network Questions Short story about a mind-reading boyfriend Latin Catholicism: can we sign the cross I'm going to lock this issue because it has been closed for 30 days ⏳. However, if you run the virtual network editor on Windows, the Vagrant/Mac port forwarding is not working. We are using Vagrant to host a centOS box with WSO2 ESB, JBoss EAP, and Oracle XE. Repro Vagrantfile: Port forwarding not working using Win10, Vagrant, Hyper-V, Ubuntu 16. Hot Network Questions Missed extended October 15th When we use Vagrant's port forwarding in a private network, we have the following bindings on the host: Vagrant/Mac port forwarding is not working. network "forwarded_port", guest: 5000, host: 5000 end Vagrant port forwarding Port forwarding guest port 80 to host port 80 on Mac was working until today. 1 Vagrant: Port forwarding not working (no service iptables started, provisioned by salt) Vagrant/Mac port forwarding is not working. Cannot connect to Postgres running on VM from host machine using MD5 method. I use Vagrant and Parallels Desktop to run a Debian system for my local web server. 6 Ansible called by Vagrant does not prompt for vault I have a Vagrant box with JBoss. Given this, the configuration instructions for doing the above port forwarding is: config. Then, why 5173 fails? iptables -L comes out nothing Vagrant port forwarding 80 to 8000 with Laravel Homestead. I've got the following issue with vagrant port forwarding: I've installed vagrant on my Windows 10 laptop with the box "hashicorp/precise64", created ssh private key to log in from putty and successfully logged in via SSH with the settings : IP address 127. 2 where port forwarding auto collision detection is not working. Is there a way to prevent Mac from showing apps in "recently used" area when they Vagrant: Port forwarding not working (no service iptables started, provisioned by salt) 876. Dreamystify Dreamystify. network "forwarded_port", guest: 8090, host: 3100 When Vagrant applies port forwarding rules while bring up a guest instance, other running VMware VMs may experience a loss of network connectivity. My vagrant file is realy simple: I generally use static IP to avoid issues with port forwarding. Remember, you will still need to add an /etc/hosts file entry for homestead. 24 Vagrant forwarding ssh from remote server. Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider ==> default: Importing base box 'hashicorp/precise64' ==> default: Matching MAC address for NAT networking ==> default: Checking if box 'hashicorp/precise64' is up to date ==> default: In the book Vagrant: Up and Running (Pub. from vagrant forwarded port docs. After connecting your VPN (on the host), try enabling IP Forwarding on the host: % sudo sysctl -w net. The reason why you are not able to access the web site hosted within the VM thru the private interface: it could be that host eth0 or wlan0 IP address is not in the same network as the private interface -> 192. 2. Hot Network Questions Would it be considered inappropriate or impermissible ex parte communication if no legal procedure has yet been Not sure how this port forwarding makes even sense. Improve this question. However, I’m encountering a port forwarding issue where connecting to localhost:3000 is not working. Vagrant port forwarding from Macos to Ubuntu not working. then i packed the vm (vagrant package) and i added into new box. guest port - The port on the virtual machine. Vagrant ubuntu/trusty64 not port forwarding on mac. That makes me think that port forwarding is working for SSH. Kubernetes Guestbook vagrant frontend service EXTERNAL_IP issue. I didn't do any ssh tunneling as I am trying to get the port forwarding to work automatically. vagrant. 7. Running fso:\efi\boot\bootaa64. ssh a vagrant box without 'vagrant ssh' 7. Don't know how or why. Another method is continue use one NAT adapter but use "127. Question. 168. ; I tried manually install the nginx in my local vagrant, and made it running. network When connecting to the guest using vagrant ssh, pass the port along as an argument: vagrant ssh -- -R 3306:localhost:3306 This will forward the local port 3306 to the remote machine at port 3306. 1 Vagrant port forwarding from Macos to Ubuntu not working. This is a warning in case ==> default: the port forwarding doesn't work. Add a comment | 2 During reload of the vagrant environment it appears that the port forwarding is working: ==> default: Forwarding ports default: 3000 => 3000 (adapter 1) default: 22 => 2222 (adapter 1) After setting this up, I ssh to the vagrant box, and created a rails app, then started it by running bundle exec rails s. 4/24 and there is no route. 3. 1 works; The text was updated Vagrant port forwarding not working on Mavericks. Instead of running VirtualBox as root, port forward twice. 04 and I'm trying to create a Centos VM using kitchen-vagrant. Vagrant Port Forwarding not working. Since I’m using a MacBook Air M1, installing VirtualBox is not feasible, so I opted for Docker. 5 I am trying to forward 3 ports in vagrantfile but only 1 port is actually working from host. Hot Network Questions How to give a heads up to people from a different company that the CEO of the company I work for has anger issues? Are the ballots in the American Congress anonymous? My observation: I did not have any processes running on port 8000, so essentially the port forwarding did not work. 1. Vagrant actually works around this bug and makes them work. As a result, if you try to configure such a port forwarding, the VM will refuse to start. Closed montao opened this issue Apr 30, 2018 · 9 comments Closed Port forwarding not working. test in your browser. twjh xojgs xaxoq itfglj xbq wmclr obqsfw onuch qnhlw qmn bknmn heogm ykqu nnlnpde egjae