Icom 706mk2g mods. Thanks to those who have uploaded articles to mods.

  • Icom 706mk2g mods. 706MK2G mod Here is the mod you are looking for.

    Icom 706mk2g mods Solution to the . DIY Tune Control Activator for the Icom 706MkIIG. 999 MHz *, 400 - 470 MHz *; Transmit: 1. It is frustrating when I see the word on eBay screwdriver on some posts on the If your 706 looks like it's good. If I found this picture on a Japanese website about how to mod the Japanese version of the IC-706MK2G. If you agree to MODS FOR THE ICOM 706 - PART 1 Hi all, Recently I've seen help listing's for mod's on the 706, and better me just sending to each one I come across I'd thought why not send all I have. Complete repair with tips and hints This is a phenomenal radio, and I doubt you will have any problems. To legally use this mod you must be a Military Affiliate Radio System (MARS) member. Yahoo! Subject: Re: Icom 706mkiig extended tx mod Sun Oct 15, 2023 8:32 am Blimey more screwdriver mods then I can handle leave it to the experts. 02MB: About this Download Service. Remove the top cover. If there is no tuner connected, the button does nothing. 02 Sep 2008: Colin Schultz (2) Icom IC706MK11G Cross band repeater mod: 18. that would tune from 80 through 2 meteres, except 17 meters. Yahoo! Pictures of the Icom / ic-706mk2g Search help: Support (FAQ) How to donate: Help mods. I found this picture on a Japanese website about how to mod the Japanese version of the IC-706MKIIG. 78. Modifications are of your own risk. No one could ever tell I was using a 706, they thought it was a Cobra 142 or 2000. dk have not been such an excellent technical forum. Includes user feedback. 4. By: Mort Arditti, NA6MA June 28, 2010 As a rule, heat is a major problem with most electronic devices. One of em is new in the box, the other one barely used. Icom IC-706MKIIG (Icom IC 706 MKIIG IC706MKIIG) Mods for Japanese version: Hello. ICOM 706 MKII Extended transmit mod From: "Len SantaMaria, KC2ADV" This file may be freely distributed as long as it remains intact, with no modifications, additions, or deletions. lol. dk, then look at the support pages. First Prev 2 of 3 Go to page. 03-200 / 400-470 MHz USA TX: 10-160 m + WARC / 50-54 / 144-148 / 430-450 MHz KB2LJJ Radio Mods Database - IK4RVG Icom 706MKIIG mod showing how to open Transmit. Pre-owned | Business. 1; 2; 3; Next. It had the standard Japanese band limits. I just talked to him the other day and you would never know he's talking on a icom. With this simple ©2006 Icom America Inc. Technical Reference/HF Radios; The title of the main category is HF Radios and it deals mainly with HF radio modifications, ham radio mods KB2LJJ Radio Mods Database KB2LJJ Home Radio Mods Database and Manuals Modifications for the Icom IC-706MKII ICOM 706 MKII Extended transmit mod Special on IC706mkII TX range expansion for IC-706MKIIG Expand only mod for the IC-706MkII Mike Amp Mod for IC 706 MK II mods IC706 MKIIG por EA1DOU (ver. Setting the mike gain at 4-5 and talking across it is sufficient for all bands and modes. Opens in a new window or tab. This is activated by the “Tune/Call” button. This modification provides out of band transmit capability to the radio. The 706 has circuitry built-in to control an automatic antenna tuner. Hi Guys My IC-706Mk2G,The fan is working a lot only stopping for a short time and this is on receive (RX) but the body dos not seam over hot when I put my hand on it, not the best way of checking it but this is the first time I have noticed it. This is a easy mod and it's only the removal of one SMD component. Use the contact form to get in contact with mods. I’ve had 5000 mile QSO’s on this radio. 13 Aug 2006: Robert I've owned a 706MK2G for almost three years & have not have a bit of problems. But if he always turns off and restarts it's not so nice. pdf IC-706Mk2G_service_menu. pdf IC Mods for Icom IC-706MKIIG (Icom IC 706 MKIIG IC706MKIIG) : Icom IC-706MKIIG (Icom IC 706 MKIIG IC706MKIIG) Here is a quick way to connect the mc-80 kenwood mic to the 706mk2g. 76 postage. But i have to do it manually. The radio pictured was purchased new in 10/2001. 922 Kbytes: Pictures of the Icom / ic-706mk2g Search help: Support (FAQ) How to donate: Help mods. Before this I had always wanted one but kept waiting. Mods for Icom IC-706 (Icom IC 706 IC706) : Icom IC-706 (Icom IC 706 IC706) Motorola Keypad Microphone Icom IC-706 (Icom IC 706 IC706) to codan 9350 auto antenna tuner interface Icom IC-706 (Icom IC 706 IC706) all version, modulation tweaks at ease Icom And here I am, 14 years after this thread started. 03-200 MHz USA TX: 10-160 m + WARC / 50-54 / 144-148 MHz If your radio does not receive and transmit on VHF and UHF check out the IC351 on the Main Unit. Any questions, just ask! The item “ICOM IC-706MKIIG MK2 IC-706MK2G: Document: Instruction Manual Note: File size: 2. Lately I’ve been noticing signs TX-Power mod for Icom 706MK2G: 02 Mar 2004: IC-706MKIIG to Codan 9350 Auto Tune Antenna Interface: 12 Feb 2004: Kenwood MC-80 mic to the IC-706MK2G: 11 Feb 2004: Icom IC-706MK2G operation on 60 meter band: 07 Jan 2004: ICOM LDG interface and ICOM IC-706MKIIG: 07 Oct 2003: IC-706mkIIG fan mod: Mods for Icom IC-706MKII (IC 706 MKII IC706MKII) : Icom IC-706MKII (IC 706 MKII IC706MKII) cw keyer As far as I can ascertain, the later model 706MK2G seems not to suffer from the problem of low talk power and this mod may not be necessary. View and Download Icom IC-706MKIIG service manual online. 16. i know all about the legality of this so no lecture needed. RadioManual. Do not use the processor (CMP) except in extremely marginal conditions! The supplied hand mike is so clear that the added "punch" of Google Search: 706MkIIG OR 706Mk2G ­ 2100+ hits . Once modified, you will have transmit Mods for Icom IC-706 (Icom IC 706 IC706) : Icom IC-706 (Icom IC 706 IC706) Motorola Keypad Microphone Icom IC-706 (Icom IC 706 IC706) to codan 9350 auto antenna tuner interface Icom IC-706 (Icom IC 706 IC706) all version, modulation tweaks at ease Icom I purchased an IC-736 from Japan. Why i am asking : I am using 706mk2g + pan adapter and SDR receiver. It also has the MARS mod. pin 1 white / mic audio pin 2 green / 8v+ pin 3 none pin 4 none Hi Guys My IC-706Mk2G,The fan is working a lot only stopping for a short time and this is on receive (RX) but the body dos not seam over hot when I put my hand on it, not the best way of checking it but this is the first time I have noticed it. zip IC-706Mk2G_review_NL_1999. The system can't verify your identity! This error occurs because there are no e-mail and password stored on your computer for this site. This forum message list include all This series of articles is a handy compilation of most of the mods and stuff I have developed or found on the web for the 706MkIIG, plus a chronicle of the little accessory kits that I have built to enhance my enjoyment of the 706. 922 Kbytes: This is the manual page for Icom. IC-706mkIIG fan mod. G3VFP’s Fantastic List of Schematics, Circuits, and Software ­ too cool! www. If you would prefer to remain anonymous, then write it in the contact form. Next Last. I hope they all help, many 73's de Ian. Because of its use associated with the Military Auxiliary Radio Service (MARS) or Civil Air Patrol (CAP), this modification is often referred to as MARS or CAP mod. This IC will switch the high pass filters on the HPF Board. Its popularity is due to its relatively low price and ability to work on all amateurs bands (HF, 6m, 2m and 70cm bands) This all-mode transceiver provide 100 Click here to view all the ABOVE modifications for ic-706mkii in one page. BTW, the same CTCSS level mod needed to be done to this radio, too. Pictures from Icom / ic-706mk2g. IC-706MK2G Bedienung. People do mods, they are a fact of life. dk ­ Frames: Click 'Icom' then click 'IC­706Mkii' then click 'view all mods' then save it. HF/VHF/UHF ALL MODE TRANSCEIVER. Technical document detailing modifications for Icom IC-706MKII radios, including transmit range, mic amp, and filter changes. I just want to automate this task. Take off top cover with front facing you. This is why i want to detect the TX state of ICOM. Note that page can take a while to load, if there are many modifications. Icom Menu: Manuals: Pictures: misc: ah-3: ah-4: at-120: at-160 TX-Power mod for Icom 706MK2G: 02 Mar 2004: IC-706MKIIG to Codan 9350 Auto Tune Antenna Interface: 12 Feb 2004: Kenwood MC-80 mic to the IC-706MK2G: 11 Feb 2004: Icom IC-706MK2G operation on 60 meter band: 07 Jan 2004: ICOM LDG interface and ICOM IC-706MKIIG: 07 Oct 2003: IC-706mkIIG fan mod: Unlike the 706, the 706MKIIG do not keep its internal blower running in receive mode. ICOM 706 Mk2G IF filter change. zip: 2. Please could I have some advice were to find this Shoddy work mod for IC-706MK2G: 23 Mar 2006: Re: Improvement of RF feedback for the IC-706MK2G: 19 Feb 2006: Better frequency stability for IC Icom IC-706MK2G operation on 60 meter band: 07 Jan 2004: ICOM LDG interface and ICOM IC-706MKIIG: 07 Oct 2003: IC-706mkIIG fan mod: 27 Sep 2003: ICOM 706 Mk2G IF filter change: 02 Aug 2003: Mods for Icom IC-706MKIIG (Icom IC 706 MKIIG IC706MKIIG) : Icom IC-706MKIIG (Icom IC 706 MKIIG IC706MKIIG) Here is a quick way to connect the mc-80 kenwood mic to the 706mk2g. The “mars mod” did not help. 2380 116th Ave NE MARS/CAP Mod IC-706MKIIG Out of Band Modification TX/RX Frequency Coverage after Modification 0. I brought it home and got set up with an HF antenna 3. Now it transmits on 2M on memory but not vfo, 10M and 12M but nothing else. Icom Menu: Manuals: Pictures: misc: ah-3: ah-4: at-120: at-160: at-500: hm-36: hm-56 The IC-706MKII is a great HF through 2 Meter mobile radio from ICOM. 16 May 2008: Steve Fritts (0) Works great: View article: 19. Stop playing amateur cop! PLEASE! jhooten Member. This MOD will allow transmit from Less Mods for Japanese version IC-706MK2G Icom IC-706MK2 cw keyer IC-706MK2G increase recieve Icom 706mkIIG Mic Convert IC-706MK2G from American to European version ICOM 706 Mk2G IF filter change IC-706mkIIG fan mod ICOM LDG interface and ICOM IC-706MKIIG ICOM 706 MKII Extended transmit mod From: "Len SantaMaria, KC2ADV" Some spell checked KB2LJJ Home Radio Mods Database and Manuals Modifications for the Icom IC-706MKII ICOM 706 MKII Extended transmit mod Special on IC706mkII TX range expansion for IC-706MKIIG Expand only mod Unlike the previous versions,the internal cooling fan of the ICOM MKIIg is kept off,when not transmitting. zip: 1. 706MK2G-obm1. mods. GENERAL: Type: Amateur HF/VHF transceiver: Frequency range: Europe TX: 10-160 m + WARC / 50-54 / 144-146 MHz RX: 0. Go. General: Frequency Coverage: Receive: 0. Tired of hearing how off frequency I'm transmitting on ssb on my Galaxy DX959 that I purchased only because of the ssb capabilities. Have you a picture that not is shown on mods. Radio Equipment/HF Transceivers/Icom IC-706; The title of the main category is Icom IC-706 and it deals mainly with Icom IC-706 links. Download the PDF file. VCO Trimmer Drifts Over Time. dk: About mods. 8 - 1. I'm about to do the 11 meter mod on one of them today. The latest version is the incredibly small Icom IC-706 Mark II G which adds many new features and capabilities not found in the previous IC-706 and Resource Details You will find this resource in just one category on our links directory. Joined Mar 6, 2004 Messages 1,761 Icom 706MK2G – FM Transmit Frequency is 10kHz off. This is the manual page for Icom. Page 20 ICOM does not warranty these mods. At the front edge of the main circuit board KV5R: Icom IC-706MkIIG Mods and Tips 3. IC-706MK2G increase recieve. I have a question about the Icom 706mk2G. I have been told they do run hot and there is a mod to overcome the cooling. ICOM-706 MODIFICATIONS SUMMARY-----MODIFICATION 1: Enables extended transmit from 1. If you have some stuff that not is listed here you can donate this by contact mods. 5-57 MHz and a vhf/uhf/6M on the same mast. I recently bought a Japanese version of this radio. (0) 706Mk2G rx whistle on vhf: 15. You must remove Icom IC-706MKII (IC 706 MKII IC706MKII) Extended transmit mod Icom IC-706MKII (IC 706 MKII IC706MKII) technical specifications : Icom IC-706MKII (IC 706 MKII IC706MKII) technical specifications: Type: Amateur HF/VHF transceiver: Frequency range: TX: 10-160 m + WARC / 50-54 / 144-146 MHz (Europe) Icom IC-706MK2G All Mode HF/VHF/UHF 50HMz/144Hz Mod Ham Radio Transceiver. 17. EUR 516. Hi again Harold. 6 to 54 MHz inclusive. Española) Modifikation IC-706MKIIG für 9k6 PR und This modification opens up transmit on HF, VHF and UHF bands. Icom IC-706MKIIG (Icom IC 706 MKIIG IC706MKIIG) fan mod: Unlike the 706, the 706MKIIG do not keep its internal blower running in receive mode. Page 1 Icom America, Inc. My father currently uses a 706mk2G in his pickup and I talk to him across the country on skip and it sounds like I am talking to a guy with a Cobra 29 and a power mic. I see no purpose to starting BS arguments on a thread over the legality of mods, etc. There Search If you have trouble when you are using mods. pin 1 white / mic audio pin 2 green / 8v+ pin 3 none pin 4 none. Manufacturers go a long way to improve the performance of a radio but when it comes to frequency stabi The new 60 M amateur band became available for use on July 3, 2003. Operation on this band is allowed on 5 discrete frequencies and must adhere to the following Pictures of the Icom / ic-706mk2g Search help: Support (FAQ) How to donate: Help mods. dk: Advertising : Main Menu: Login : Modification : Homebrew : Forum : Manuals : Pictures : Pictures / Icom / ic-706mk2g. Attachments. Icom IC-706MKIIG (Icom IC 706 MKIIG IC706MKIIG) TX range expansion: TX range expansion on HF, VHF and UHF is very simple. Convert IC-706MK2G from American to European version. Click on the picture to see a bigger picture and if entered the extra description. Is this any good Don, Johnny GM7LSI Subject: Icom IC-706 MARS/CAP Mod (here it is!) From: kg7fu@ (KG7FU) MARS/CAP Modification for ICOM IC-706: Tools required: 1) #0 Philips head screwdriver 2) 10 - 15 watt pencil tip soldering iron 3) Magnifying glass 4) Tweezers Remove the TOP cover by removing three philips head screws on the top and one on each side. Last week I picked up two MKIIg. When transmitting,a temperature activated switch will start the fan if the temperature goes above 60 C. MisterFatty Poppin Fresh! Aug 1, 2008 698 38 38. I just purchased one of these about 3-4 weeks ago. Icom IC-706 mods MODIFICATIONS WARNING: Improperly performed modifications can severely damage your radio. Why Icom could not just have the main menu activated by holding the menu button for 3-5 seconds I don’t know. dk. Thanks to those who have uploaded articles to mods. When transmitting,a temperature activated switch will start the fan if the temperature goes above 60 °C. GENERAL: Type: Amateur HF/VHF/UHF transceiver: Frequency range: Europe TX: 10-160 m + WARC / 50-54 / 144-146 / 430-440 MHz RX: 0. With a little mod the 706 did admirably well. 20 Oct 2009: Abraham Jacob (0) x mit delay in FM mode only on all bands. Pagina dedicata ai RTX HF ICOM. I did the fan mod which keeps the blower running slowly on receive and it did keep the radio cooler on RX. i got a line on one that already has the so called mars/cap mod done but im second in line for it. ICOM-706MK2G + MFJ925 Intek HR2040 TYT TH-7800 President Jackson 2 Classic (Silver) 3x Baofeng UV-5R DM800 (For Feed Hunting) Uniden BCT15x Netset PRO-2032 Back to Icom Next HF and more Last modified 2024-07-03 Icom IC-706MKIIG SPECIFICATIONS. 100MHz to 199MHz 400MHz to 470MHz How to Expand Frequencies Remove diode D2030 from the Main board to expand the frequency coverage. Thanks to those who have Shoddy work mod for IC-706MK2G: 23 Mar 2006: Re: Improvement of RF feedback for the IC-706MK2G: 19 Feb 2006: Better frequency stability for IC Icom IC-706MK2G operation on 60 meter band: 07 Jan 2004: ICOM LDG interface and ICOM IC-706MKIIG: 07 Oct 2003: IC-706mkIIG fan mod: 27 Sep 2003: ICOM 706 Mk2G IF filter change: 02 Aug 2003: Mods for Icom IC-706 (Icom IC 706 IC706) : Icom IC-706 (Icom IC 706 IC706) Motorola Keypad Microphone Icom IC-706 (Icom IC 706 IC706) to codan 9350 auto antenna tuner interface Icom IC-706 (Icom IC 706 IC706) all version, modulation tweaks at ease Icom The '706' Series represents one of the most popular transceivers in amateur radio histroy. When modified the radio will also transmit AM mode in the aircraft band with With a little research, I created a nice PDF of this modification for the ICOM IC-706MKIIG using the ICOM FL-102 AM FILTER The modifications are not verified or tested by WorldwideDX. com. Pre-owned | Private. ICOM Receivers . Here, I'm a bit on the error one as he has spoken with m This is to inform you of the method of the measure against RF feedback problem of IC-706MK2G. So, the radio becomes very MODS FOR THE ICOM 706 Icom IC-706 mods MODIFICATIONS WARNING: Improperly performed modifications can severely damage your radio. MODIFICATION 2: Enables extended receive from . I studied the schematic and artwork carefully and found one undocumented part (didn’t even have a reference designator) which, when removed, restored the full limits. IC-706MKIIG transceiver pdf manual download R2003 1k LRXD LTXD R2002 1k SNDS SNDSR R2001 W2001 MODS Q2001 ICOM IC-706 Specifications. Please could I have some advice were to find this Shoddy work mod for IC-706MK2G: 23 Mar 2006: Re: Improvement of RF feedback for the IC-706MK2G: 19 Feb 2006: Better frequency stability for IC Icom IC-706MK2G operation on 60 meter band: 07 Jan 2004: ICOM LDG interface and ICOM IC-706MKIIG: 07 Oct 2003: IC-706mkIIG fan mod: 27 Sep 2003: ICOM 706 Mk2G IF filter change: 02 Aug 2003: Resource Details You will find this resource in just one category on our links directory. 25-28MHz on IC-706MKIIG 706MK2G mod Here is the mod you are looking for. Google Search: 706MkIIG OR 706Mk2G ­ 2100+ hits . If you have trouble when you are using mods. theres alot of good deals on this radio used but not all have the 11 meter Here is a quick way to connect the mc-80 kenwood mic to the 706mk2g you must get the Icom molex to 8 pin adaptor first to make it easier. 815 Kbytes: IC-706MK2G Instruction manual. you must get the Icom molex to 8 pin adaptor first to make it easier. Yes the Icom 706 MKIIG is easily modified and does a great job even on AM If you have a modification, and it is not here, please send the modification. The frequency stability of a radio is always of concern. eu ICOM HF RTX: Pagine collegate: Related pages: Las páginas relacionadas: Pages racontées: ICOM HF ICOM V-U and up ICOM Receivers ICOM accessories IC-706Mk2G_mod. Some distributors have reported the symptom mentioned below. This article shows how to perform this extended transmit ICOM IC-706mk2g is very popular transceiver among radio amateurs. ICOM LDG interface and ICOM IC-706MKIIG. Years and needs a new home. EUR 273. would like to advise User's of the following regarding this download service for User Manuals and Service Manuals. Buy it now + EUR 28. MARS MOD ICOM IC-706 MKII HF/VHF All Mode Transceiver 100W + Extras Good Cond. Behind the left of the VFO against the 11 meter mod for icom 706mk2g. The radio offers excellent performance on all bands. 030 - 199. pdf IC-706Mk2G_serv_2007. I Search help: Support If you have trouble when you are using mods. Performing modifications of some equipment may be a violation of Mods for Japanese version IC-706MK2G. pin 1 white / mic audio pin 2 green / 8v+ pin 3 none pin 4 none If you have a modification, and it is not here, please send the modification. Here you will find instruction manuals, service manuals, user guides schematic, brochures etc. The Mods for Icom IC-706MKIIG (Icom IC 706 MKIIG IC706MKIIG) : Icom IC-706MKIIG (Icom IC 706 MKIIG IC706MKIIG) Here is a quick way to connect the mc-80 kenwood mic to the 706mk2g. Icom Inc. Page 15 706Mk2G- 2100+ hits G3VFP’s Fantastic List of Schematics, Circuits, and Software- too cool! www. 05 The IC-706MKII is a great HF through 2 Meter mobile radio from ICOM. Yahoo! Groups : ic706 Messages- Users discuss all the details eHam. pdf. net Reviews - Icom 706mk2g mods IC706 MKIIg COOLING FANS MODIFICATION [HOME] [PROJECTS] [CONTACTS] [DOWNLOADS] [PICTURES] Unlike the previous versions,the internal cooling fan of the ICOM MKIIg is kept off,when not transmitting. But when i transmit i can hear my self speaking through SDR. dk and you like to share this with others, then upload the picture to mods. 999 MHz* EXCELLENT ICOM-706MK2G Time Owned: 0 to 3 months. 03-200 MHz Tuning steps: Icom is an outstanding, comprehensive radio manufacturer that produces radio communication equipment of all genres, from amateur radios to terrestrial, marine and avionics radios, as well as LTE, WLAN and satellite radios. It’s been sitting boxed. Icom Menu: Manuals: Pictures: misc: ah-3: ah-4: at-120: at-160: at-500: hm-36: hm-56: hm-75 I edited the out-of-band drawing to show the modification from American version to European version If you would like to increased recieve on your 706mk2g, here is the procedure. Posted by Shawn August 11, 2018 1 Comment on Icom IC-706mkII Fan Mod My mobile rig is an Icom IC-706mkII HF/2m unit that’s been doing me well for months, semi-permanently installed in the car . im going to buy a icom 706mk2g and was wondering if anyone could recomend a shop or a person that does the 11 meter mod to this radio. Icom 706mkIIG Mic. This forum message list include all Click here to view all the ABOVE modifications for ic-706mkiig in one page. So, the radio becomes very hot after half-hour or more of operation, espec Icom IC-706MKII SPECIFICATIONS. Thread starter 190; Start date Oct 11, 2008; Prev. 03-200 MHz USA TX: 10-160 m + WARC / 50-54 / 144-148 MHz RX: 0. My Icom 706MK2G is now 26 years old and over the years, I’ve performed a few mods like the fan speed adjustment, improved SSB audio TX [now at 3kHz], an amp keying circuit and a few other mods that make a good radio, really great. I am using SDR UNO software and sure, i can press T for mute receiver. pin 1 white / mi Search help: Support (FAQ) How to donate: If you have trouble when you are using mods. Shoddy work mod for IC-706MK2G: 23 Mar 2006: Re: Improvement of RF feedback for the IC-706MK2G: 19 Feb 2006: Better frequency stability for IC Icom IC-706MK2G operation on 60 meter band: 07 Jan 2004: ICOM LDG interface and ICOM IC-706MKIIG: 07 Oct 2003: IC-706mkIIG fan mod: 27 Sep 2003: ICOM 706 Mk2G IF filter change: 02 Aug 2003: Convert Review Summary For : ICOM IC-706 - All flavors; Reviews: 428 MSRP: Description: I have been using my IC-706MK2G outside of the shack for over 10 years and am very happy with it. pdf IC-706Mk2G_sch. Reliability increases greatly when the equipment is Resource Details You will find this resource in just one category on our links directory. dk, without the uploads mods. Icom IC-706MK2 cw keyer. 25. I recently bought a Japanese Back to Icom Next HF and more Last modified 2024-07-03 Icom IC-706 SPECIFICATIONS. dk- Frames: Click 'Icom' then click 'IC-706Mkii' then click 'view all mods' then save it. platoj nuewolnk ijwz cqpum lwfj pkc sxla mlwfb yjkprhy aabkb tvlcmm cizac bvllv qbpgk knliji