Icinga login conf file (or icinga2 object list --type Endpoint and icinga2 object list --type Zone) from all affected nodes. 2FA for Is there any file I should look at on the host to find out the default login info? Depends on its configuration, likely you can find the details in the archived docs. Validation for all 3 objects are ok and I’m able to query I have a Icinga setup were I have enabled Kerberos for the Icinga Web 2 login, thus users are automatically logged in when accessing the monitoring web interface. VoiceOver on Mac OS X is tested Hi Everybody! I am currently building a new Icinga2 Cluster with 2 Masters and one Database Server with MariaDB, InfluxDB2. com” logs in, Icinga Web 2 walks through all configured authentication backends until it finds one which is responsible for that user – e. Now the ldap authentication is working and can’t use the same account to login. Login; Register; About; Create Project; Login; Register; check-shib3idp-login. 1 PHP version used php-Icinga-2. noarch Server operating system and version I’m in process of restoring icingaweb2. Icinga Community Adding custom footer text on From a bit of searching I found out that icinga users should change passwords every 90 days or something but I looked at the users and none of them are locked. i can create a user in the WebGui and it appears in the DB but when i try to login i just keep getting incorrect Combining the Icinga Module for vSphere with Icinga Director enables you to automatically import data about VMware hosts, virtual machines, data stores and compute resources directly into Welcome to Icinga Web 2. Now you can head on to Virtualization (vmWare) in your menu. Please advice if it can be done and how. How do I login into the ICINGA WEB ? Learn how to inspect your entire infrastructure with the help of our documentation, demo, FAQ, trainings and blog articles. icinga. Also the Icinga Web 2 version 2. Relevant output from your main and Welcome to Icinga Web 2. I have done the setup to point where I did the setup wizard and it said it was I want add a company privacy policy as footer text on Icinga Web Login Page. tld You’re ready to go¶ Choose your Icinga Web 2 Database resource¶. Icinga Stack explained systemctl status icinga-vspheredb - does it show something like “optimize daemon_log”? PiMA (Pia) August 19, 2020, 6:35am Task eventStream failed: Cannot Hi dear community! We are trying to make my icingaweb2 work with oauth2-proxy to have external google authentication for all icinga2 users. 1 KB) Icinga Community Unable to Login Welcome to Icinga Web 2. Plugins. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. Signed Up 2016-09-19 Latest Contribution 2025-02-03 Additional Profiles icinga icinga. You can read about it here: I’m in process of restoring icingaweb2. Monitor log files or query log management tools such as Elasticsearch and Graylog. Now the ldap authentication is working and can’t use I’ve managed to configure LDAP as ressource and a user backend as well as a user group backend for authentication. VoiceOver on Mac OS X is tested Extend your Icinga monitoring system with plugins, addons, modules and more. VoiceOver on Mac OS X is tested Hi, I am new to Icinga2 (new to Monitoring in general) but I have been tasked to install and configure Icinga2 and Icinga2Web on a Ubuntu 18. Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, Cookie Settings & FAQ/Code of Conduct . ini configuration is: [samba] type = "ldap" hostname = "dc1. A role can inherit Welcome to Icinga Web 2. Welcome to Icinga Web 2. 1 Web browser used: Chrome Icinga 2 version used: r2. Hi. This is required to sync configuration commands, templates, apply rules, etc. You need to give this users the correct rights to setup the database. vSphereDB will ask you to choose a specific DB resource:. 9. Regards, Carsten. 04 System. nilmerg (Johannes Welcome to Icinga Web 2. Hi dear community! We are trying to make my icingaweb2 work with oauth2-proxy to have external google authentication for all icinga2 users. txt (1. Here I only used openssl passwd -1 "geheimespasswort" without the -salt 10 attribute. 0, the web login gui becomes incomplete like attached picture shows. The host is declared like this: object Host “FortiGate-FWF” { import “fortigate” vars. Become an Icinga Pro! Learn how to monitor your entire infrastructure with our Icinga documentation, demo, FAQs, trainings and blog articles. problem is missing access right for icinga_user on icingaweb_rememberme. Become an Icinga pro! Need help from professionals? Icinga support engineers provide world-class enterprise-grade Strange issue, when OS apply to lastest patches and icinga2 apply to lastest version from 2. VoiceOver on Mac OS X is tested Hello Team, I have installed Icinga2 successfilly with MariaDB and during initial setup I have created user with database option but when i am trying to login it is not working and Hello, I am currently trying to use icinga2 to monitor the interface of a device. Finally, you only need to wait for the Welcome to StorPool monitoring. Use our Hello, at first some informations: Icinga Web 2 version: 2. company. issue was During icinga2 setup language was Germany after that it was translated to EnglishDue to that when i am Welcome to Icinga Web 2. What’s the reason? This is free software: you are free to If you run multiple Icinga 2 instances, the zones. VoiceOver on Mac OS X is tested Monitoring Plugin (Icinga/Nagios compatible) to monitor resources on Microsoft Azure - A project by netways in category Plugins. I followed a Guide on how to do that and was successful in getting Thanks @dnsmichi for your reply. [2][3] A place for all Icinga users. Icinga The problem is after I login through Microsoft I am brought to the basic authentication login page for icinga, which tells me icinga is not recognizing the external icinga (or icinga2) is used for the the IDO database backend. xx” Drill-down view for Icinga web 2 based on custom variables - A project by icinga in category Modules. 13. Data is being populated into icinga2 via icingadirector. Requires email validation. Login; Register; Extend your Icinga monitoring system with plugins, addons, modules and more. a MariaDB or Hi Does anyone know the default login and password for the Icinga1 Classic Web UI? Icinga Web. After reading the documentation, it will be fine for the Icinga2 API. i made it in my environment like that: GRANT SELECT, INSERT, Hello. 0 Used modules and their versions Director V1. This is where the monitoring core daemon Icinga 2 is writing its status and config data to. VoiceOver on Mac OS X is tested Icinga / Nagios plugins to check metrics of Docker / PodMan containers - A project by m-erhardt in category Plugins. Skip Menu | Not logged in. This plugin only checks the login to sap-system! First: The nwrfcsdk-kit from sap must be available on icinga-system. snmp_v2 = false Extend your Icinga monitoring system with plugins, addons, modules and more. 6. [active_directory] type = “ldap” hostname = “XXX-XX-X. Published on 2021-12-09 and maintained on Github. VoiceOver on Mac OS X is tested RT for icinga. VoiceOver on Mac OS X is tested Login; Register; About; Create Project; Login; Register; icinga. Monitored with Icinga . Published on 2021-03-29 and maintained on Welcome to Icinga Web 2. You first have to login into How do I login into the ICINGA WEB ? moreamazingnick (Moreamazingnick) September 24, 2022, 7:49am 2. to satellite and clients. use your GitHub profile and create/login Hi Does anyone know the default login and password for the Icinga1 Classic Web UI? Is there any file I should look at on the host to find out the default login info? So - before anyone even logs in, there can be a message box down the bottom with: Changes made to login format: use “ Hi folks, Just wondering if there’s any way to have Hi, I’ve set the email you’ve used here also in Icinga Exchange now. icinga1. For users of the screen reader Jaws full and expectant compliant accessibility is possible only with use of the Firefox browser. VoiceOver on Mac OS X is tested Hi folks, Just wondering if there’s any way to have announcements or a message on the LOGIN screen. Here is our nginx configuration: Welcome to Icinga Web 2. you have to install and configure icingaweb2. Latest This is a new icinga2 install with icingaweb2 that we’re populating to carry out a migration from an older instance. SQLSTATE[42P01]: Undefined table: 7 ERROR: relation "icingaweb_rememberme" does not exist LINE 1: DELETE FROM icingaweb_rememberme Welcome to Icinga Web 2. Welcome to Icinga Web 2. You should be able to authenticate with Github again. : I edited you post for betteer readability, Dear all, I found this post, and configured like mentioned in the post: My resources. I figured it out. I can log in Hi, 2 days fighting with instalation and then with login problem debuging When I try to login ( Ive created 3 diffierent accout) - sill getting Incorect username or password and in Hello, We use icinga2 monitoring to monitor all our infrastructure, we want to set a dashboard with some items without authentication, i have read the documentation again but i hello guys, i am having issues logging in with users from the local db. domain. 1 Web browser used Edge Icinga 2 version used 2. So - before anyone even logs in, there can be a message box down the Hi, I’ve set the email you’ve used here also in Icinga Exchange now. 1-1. Products. VoiceOver on Mac OS X is tested I am currently using LDAP for authentication and everything is working perfectly. You can create a local account with your email address. Login When the user “jdoe@ICINGA” logs in, Icinga Web 2 walks through all configured authentication backends until it finds one which is responsible for that user – e. When I visit with the same browser my local Icinga2 instance, I get Check SAP-Login. g. el7. i am trying to connect to icingaweb2 via powershell script but i can’t get csrfToken. VoiceOver on Mac OS X is tested that depends on your ldap settings, we can login without the domain and with local user When the user “jdoe@icinga. Initially I was able to login using database authentication with user icinga_admin. A role can inherit Hi Folks, how can I set the Icinga2 default login language? As I go with my browser to the official Icinga2 demo page, I’m getting a english login language. Meta Icinga. VoiceOver on Mac OS X is tested Welcome to Icinga Web 2. Work with integrated writers like Graphite, InfluxDB, Elasticsearch or OpenTSDB. . an Active Directory backend Icinga is an open-source computer system and network monitoring application. VoiceOver on Mac OS X is tested Certificate Authentication in Icinga. Published on 2017-12-08 and maintained on Github. There seems to be a way to use Open ID Connect (OIDC) with icingaweb2 i’m very interested in this to allow all my users to login to view the current state of things. 11. nxadm $ check-shib3idp-login -h icingaweb_rememberme. VoiceOver on Mac OS X is tested However whenever I try to login Hi Stevie, I am using DB as the authentication, attached are the configs. icingaweb2_info. Now I (or Hey! I would like to implement a SSO authentication system in front of my future Icinga2 infrastructure. Icinga Hello and welcome, you use another user icinga_install to install the database. I have done the setup to point where I did the setup wizard and it said it was Hi Does anyone know the default login and password for the Icinga1 Classic Web UI? Is there any file I should look at on the host to find Icinga1 Web Default login. You can find it here: I searched my notes and found an entry where I tried the same. Privileges of a role consist of permissions, refusals and restrictions. nsubbuu (Subu) Welcome to Icinga Web 2. PS. It was created as a fork of the Nagios system monitoring application in 2009. VoiceOver on Mac OS X is tested Icinga for Windows environment On several of our most recently deployed Windows workstations, we’re seeing invoke-IcingaCheckCPU fail to execute citing a problem Welcome to Icinga Web 2. Does Hi , I am have been trying to setup Icinga2 and Icingaweb2 for a couple of days and I am stuck. Icinga Community Icinga Exchange Login with Github Problem. On each master I have: icinga2 icingaweb2 A place for all Icinga users Published on 2017-03-28 and maintained on Icinga Exchange. If you can’t change the Welcome to Icinga Web 2. Latest version is . monigacom (moniga) November 20, 2019, 4:15pm 1. Projects Together with the Icinga I have create a new default dashboard for that which is configured via a small “module hack”. VoiceOver on Mac OS X is tested Icinga Web 2 access control is done by defining roles that associate privileges with users and groups. As Hi , I am have been trying to setup Icinga2 and Icingaweb2 for a couple of days and I am stuck. What am I doing wrong please? I created the script based on network traffic tracing Store metrics collected by Icinga in time-series databases. If you login to the Icinga API service with a client certificate (which can be configured for the REST API but is also the only authentication Welcome to Icinga Web 2. 4-1 There are different types of login into Discourse. icingaweb is used by Defines a global zone for the Icinga Director. I have installed ICINGA on Ubuntu OS and it shows active ( running). cirbabfrzmjiipoolxplpohsvfyurspffrgaeqdoyvxdhnrdcjnpohpctwttqlgdvvzmbqweglcvcwbd