Home assistant weather not working. I have added following condition above: '24.
Home assistant weather not working. I would like to introduce the Platinum Weather Card.
- Home assistant weather not working my config (in a separate Fully Kiosk on Fire HD 8 tablet not showing my weather radar card 2 images Before & After Works ok on PC in Chrome & Edge + Android App, just wrong on Tablet Is this a HA issue or Fullt Kiosk? Home Assistant Community Fully Kiosk not showing weather rada card since 2024. yaml file you have the following: frontend: themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes However, I already have my themes configured: themes: !include themes. yaml, i have darksky set up as a weather platform (not a sensor): weather: - platform: darksky api_key: !secret darksky_apikey The Weather Forecast is not working on my side from the 2023. daily_forecast: name: Ambient weather api doesn’t work while the ambient weather app does. Hi all, I wanted to install the Animated Weather Card on my HA. i get the info: “None has no element 1” In my Dashboard i use the MarkDown I need some help. home” Even though that entity shows up in the Entities list: Here is my sample test. Hello, i have setup my Dashboard with the forecast Weather from the met. The subscription has a free tier with 1000 calls/day. The home_assistant. 03. 1 and my ecowitt integration stopped working. Any help would be appreciated. 8 update. Not sure what you were trying to do with it, but I assume this will still work for you. . yaml When I The OpenWeatherMap weather integration uses OpenWeatherMap as a source for current meteorological data for your location. yaml. Our weather forecast via tts doesn’t work anymode since last update. g. 5 to 2025. I have the MQTT Mosquitto add-on and the MQTT integration installed. If I try to edit the card, the icons are ok. However I face a major issue. 2). I thought I’d start with a simply weather ca It’s widely known that WU has stopped giving out free API keys to the general public, but they are still giving out API keys to those who send them PWS data. dash file: # # Main arguments, all optional # title: Hello Panel widget_dimensions: [120, 120] widget_margins: [5, 5] columns: 8 label: widget_type: weather entity: weather. You’re using 2 different entity_id’s. I installed Home Assistant (32-bit) on my Raspberry Pi 3+ B yesterday for the very first time. For many hours I’m trying to get a template work to get weather forecast values. or much to assist on, as he doesn’t tell how he is using the weather integration, the native weather-card should work as usual, i For me not working. Let’s break down the options where they shine, where they fall short and help YOU choose the perfect fit for your smart home. I get an “entity not found: weather. These work on 433mhz radio frequencies. Home Assistant Weather. Using a Kindle Fire 8 HD, using the fully kiosk integration which is great, but the screensavers are sort of static. Most of the information I saw on YouTube was related to NWS, but their API just seems to not be working anymore. 5 KB. 3 shows hourly forecast when consulted by dashboard, can't find any of these informations on entity Since then, the AccuWeather integration does not show the weather forecast on the card itself. When checking with the dev tool I see, that my entity has them. I really tried to get this to work, tried everything. I try to follow the instructions on how to change the current theme so it uses the Animated Weather icons (Very cool!) but whatever I try doesn’t work. My temperature entity is: sensor. 91. /local/www/weather-icons but they are not showing up. I’ve reverted back to the previous release and will not be upgrading unless there’s a work around or resolution. image 2008×816 57. adri76 August 7, 2024, 1:51pm 23. - platform: template sensors: # Meteorologisk institutt meteoswiss_weather_temphigh_today: friendly_name: "Clotilde Weather Forecast Hello everyone. I’ve begun working on a custom UI for my HASS install (Unraid -> Docker -> hass v0. templow }}" Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. I have added following condition above: '24. I did initially try to add it to my “templates. 3 update. Vendo233 (Vendo233) August Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. - platform: template sensors: temperature_max: friendly_name: "met. 115. Thanks, Gary! There were two Integrations for Ambient Weather, I deleted them both, restarted the server, and I now “I have weather!” Looks like there is some sort of fix coming in 0. I did get it working a year or so ago, before the deprecation of the previous method. nws is frequently reporting “unavailable”. I’ve tried different approaches (HACS frontend themes and such) but nothing worked. Reading the instructions, the first step is to edit configuration. 9. 6 and I upgraded to 0. Don’t know if this is already possible with other components or not. 1 Like. last_updated }} So I’ve read over the documentation on service calls and more specifically the part where it refers to response_variable for service calls. No display output and not Wifi connection. With the recent update to HA the data does not seem to be available any longer. Using the built in integration with or without the proxy addon. I've verified that the "Weather Hey, all. Both show unavailable. Met. Installation. tempest_st_00001664_temperature They all start with sensor. It would be much easier to have entities in HA for this. And I need your help to implement a workaround. gov/. I received my API key, but WU doesn’t seem to like it when it comes from HA. My goal is to get the hourly forecast on an e-ink and therefore I need to get access to the data, I could not find an api call or entity that The problem I updated to 117. 111. 4 I cannot use weather cards anymore and I am kind of at a loss. 5 yesterday. It looks like recently a special object was added for this but I can’t access it. Any ideas to resolve the issues or other people with the same problem? Note: Netatmo says that their services are down at the moment. The name of that theme is backend-selected. Available for free at home-assistant. 2019-03-13 01:53:27 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant. It says to use this code to Hello everyone, since 2024. The primary entity is named weather. Hi there, got some troubles with one of my automations. Tried it in all versions 0. I can connect with MQTT explorer on Windows. components. This is basically a replacement for the bom-weather-card, but with a complete GUI configuration. The Would like to see support for Acurite sensors. There is additional information at that link for configuration and usage examples Due to the possible discontinuation of the WU weather API at the end of the year, I was motivated to find a reliable alternative for Hi, I’m using the latest HA OS / HA installation. image 1140×1218 84. It is very complicated compared to openHAB, where you already have channels for e. I restarted Home Assistant, and the integration was This is not true. tom_l October 5, 2023, After moving the weather station to the same LAN as my Home Assistant, it connected immediately. As far as I can tell i coppied it straight out of the components examples for wunderground. x but get the same result. yaml: views: - title: Weather icon: mdi:cloud-question cards: - type: weather-forecast entity: weather. 1; Just Google: “home assistant weather forecast attribute removed”. I have read many of the weather posts, and I have tried some things but am still unable to get weather working today. Note that the API works sporadically. Example: lux set to 15,000 or less. I’ve exposed a pirateweather entity to the voice assistant and it can now tell me the current weather, but I haven’t been able to figure out how to get it to tell me any of the forecast info that’s in that entities info. I have a weather station integration with Tempest into HA. get_forecasts target: entity_id: weather. brightness_south, wind_alarm, rain_alarm, day_night are missing. no) integration. This is the Check this thread for help in finding where the correct file is in your HA setup: https://community. Currently it works when the value drops below the value in the automation, but not when it’s already in the range. 90. 2 and then it is no longer showing. peterborough_forecast', 'forecast')[0]. I tried to add the device in At the suggestion of this topic, I am attempting to switch from Dark Sky to NWS. I, as many others, started to look for alternatives to get weather data in to Home Assistant, and there are allready a lot of great Same for me here. get_forecasts example service call and TTS template functions action: - service: weather. 6 to 0. Can someone help me with my grouping? All my other groups work fine for switches/sensors but the weather never seems to work for me. get_forecasts data: type: hourly target: entity_id: weather. While the readme suggests it is still in bet i thought when i click on the map my home town the Weather update would be for my town but its not how do i tell Weater app to be like theweathernetwork and when i type in my own town on it it gives me the update or is there a way to incorporate the weathernetwork in a card what are some better options you guys use? as i noticed the thing says its sunny and Since the recent update changes have been made to the weather, my node red automation which got the weather forecast for tomorrow has broken, Historically the weather entity used to have an attribute array you could look at “msg. no) don’t work anymore. First Sporadically ambient weather sensors stop reporting new data to hassio for a period of time (From 30min to 17h) and they kick back on again. Under config I created a folder names Themes and, Unfortunately, I’ve been through all the threads and this is just driving me nuts. MQTT integration has “add new devices” switch turned on. It reports the data most of the time. When displaying the regular weather card (using weather. All I get now is that the Forecast unavailable. No card displayed. 5 integration and added the OWM 3. Is The only entity available from the met. I followed Installing ESPhome on GEEKMAGIC Smart Weather Clock The NWS integration is not working due to NWS API deprecation of the /points/lat,lon/stations endpoint. Hello, I’m configuring HADashboard to show the weather widget, but it keeps throwing errors about entities I’m not using (or am I overseeing something?) In my configuration. All HA users using a control to show the forecast weather now can't see it working and can't find a freedaily mode fills a lovelace custom:weather-card with erroneous data. I’m having two issues at the moment. sensor. Due to the fact, that I wasn’t able to get yweather is not working suddenly Someone else having the same problem? 2019-05-20 20:56:07 ERROR (SyncWorker_2) [yahooweather] Fetch no weather data Yahoo! 2019-05-20 20:56:07 CRITICAL (SyncWorker_2) [homeassistant. dark_sky What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue? core- The problem While the new single weather entity introduced with 2024. weather app api not working? It only has 2 entities, which do not contain an attribute for time. But I struggle today with getting it working again. Something like this one I live in an RV and one of the things I am trying to accomplish is to have my electric awning roll up when the wind gets Home Assistant Community New "Official" Weatherflow Ingegration. forecast[1]” for example to get tomorrows data, but that’s now not available even though on the weather entity @brooksben11 so listen to your weather station directly like I do (actually I listen to the console as it enriches the data it receives from the weather station). I have just purchased a Ecowitt WS69 weather station with a GW1100 gateway. Other times is goes to the websocket issue on the logs and never reports new data again at least not again for 32h until I did a host reboot and everything stating Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. The configuration looks to be correct and don’t see anything in the log files. My assumption is something is wrong on the home assistant front. The next biggest suggestion Make sure you have a weather service installed. is sensor: - platform: template sensors: today_min: value_template: "{{ state_attr('weather. openweathermap_forecast_temperature I use version 3. io/t/is-anyone-else-getting-yr-sensor-errors-saying-the-api The default Meteorologisk institutt weather integration is not working on my home assistant installation on docker. e. 103. This does not work for accuweather I needed to use the Meteorologisk institutt (Met. Trying different other cards, I just don’t get any forecasts. no integration. I was able to get the temperature for the next day, but it stopped working. The timing and pictures loaded from a URL work great, but I can’t get the weather display info no matter what I do, no Hi, I’m trying to get MQTT auto discovery working. MQTT integration is configured to enable anonymous connections. If you want to execute the action whenever the value reported by the sensor is above 0. Feature Requests. This is according to their FAQ. yaml but Hi All, yesterday i updated home assistant core, and after that, weather is not working anymore. I tried to configure and flash them, both without errors, but after flashing them nothing happens. Does NOT work: Mac with app. You will need to find your zone and county codes by looking for your state or marine zone at https://alerts. no integrated in HASSIO. Since then, the AccuWeather integration does not show the weather forecast on the card itself. 0 fine I deleted the 2. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. home provider), the temperature for the last few days is missing in the forecast. As a preparation for 2021. I get forecast temperatures with forecast_home but they don’t have precipitation or precipitation probability. Keep getting Invalid API Key, even after waiting an hour per other recommendations on previous forum posts/reddit posts, etc. What type of installation are you running? Home Assistant OS I can’t get the weather forecast card to display in Lovelace, I can only see the edit bar in ‘configure UI’ mode but nothing at all in normal view (it displays OK in the states UI). weather_hourly useing the service: weather. The home assistant won’t work Since today, Netatmo sensors are not working any more. 116. 4, https The problem. It’s a fresh installation. It can be found in HACS. home-assistant. The dashboard is display on a tablet using the home assistant app. weather. It's still visible when I click on the card and the dialog opens up. For example, if you are interested in the weather in Berlin, add an entity for Berlin. But I can’t figure out how to display a weather forecast for the next three days. yaml: template: - trigger: - platform: time_pattern hours: /1 action: - service: weather. yaml yesterday (tries to open 2 web sockets). There is a breaking change called out for 0. config] Upgrading configuration directory from 0. 19, then you’d need weather. 0 - does anyone know why this is? Logging in to OpenWeatherMap I can see that the service I have is “Current weather Forecast” and in the Limits it now says “Daily Forecast: Unavailable”. 4. Screenshot_20231001_203916_Chrome 1440×3200 225 KB. Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. For context, I’m trying to take a prompt and use that prompt in the generate_image service. 7 KB. x and 0. get_forecasts. It features a very smooth, slick and minimalistic design and will not clutter your dashboard. The one api from Openweathermap is good for : Current weather; Minute forecast for 1 hour; Hourly forecast for 48 hours; Daily forecast for 7 days; National weather alerts; Historical weather data for 40+ years back For more functionality, please consider our generous professional subscriptions. A weather entity An entity represents a sensor, actor, or function in Home Assistant. Did you have to resize them or something? Nick4 (Nick) August 24, 2021, 10:49pm but the Home Assistant devs prefer to not distinguish between day and night for weather. 3 Main PID: 18035 (hass) Tasks: 27 ( Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. In dashboard: In edit mode: I tried to clear all cache from browser without any success. Followed the instructions from: Added this (from the bottom of above website) to my configuration. This happens quite often. Entities are used to monitor physical properties or to control I’m using the detailed_description data from the National Weather Forcast to create a spoken daily update of the day’s news and weather. This project seem to be able to do it but this code doesn’t work for me. The example below shows common pitfalls when enquiring about the weather. home; Replace rainy with sunny; Click Set State; Repeat the steps but this time, in step 3, replace sunny with rainy (and then click Set State). So, grab your metaphorical raincoats (or sunscreen, depending on the forecast) and let’s dive in! 😎 Following the documentation on the Weather Forecast Card: I copied the following into my ui-lovelace. When I do this on my system, the moment the state changes from sunny to rainy it triggers the Trying to use card with my WeatherFlow Tempest system and all of its entities are “senor”, not “weather”. I provided an Email address and the id of my nearby weather station. I tried to use the card and I get “Please, check your weather entity”. yaml I have: sensor: - platform: darksky api_key: !secret ds_api_key language: nl forecast: - 1 monitored_conditions: - precip_accumulation - wind_gust - temperature_high - Hi ! I really need help to make a very simple wind sensor that takes the average of the next 3 hours from the integrated weather forecast for wind I’ve looked at many discussions here and the doc, and I though I understood but obviously not. 0' condition: numeric_state entity_id: sensor. Below is an extract from my configuration file: I’ve long had trouble with this automation because I can only sort of test it and find out it’s not working when there’s an extreme weather event. Based on sunlight/lux I want to trigger an automation to turn on a light. no Max Temperatur home" Home assistant installed on docker on raspberry pi 4b on raspbian (raspberry pi os) both the xbox kodi is installed on and the home assistant are plugged into a consumer tp link router. Which is or has been relatively rare in England. What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue? core-2023. 1; Supervisor2024. 113. 19 and then to greater than 0. My data logger is on the same network segment as my Since this morning, I don’t seem to get the forecasts anymore for OpenWeatherMap as this sensor returns “Unavailable” sensor. (I do have other sensors there that do work) So I saw another way of doing it via google searches, and that was why I tried doing I am using OpenWeatherMap with the Weather Forecast Card but it not showing the icon for a one particular weather state "Exceptional " I read the documentation it says “Weather icons can be overwritten with your own personal images via a Theme” but it’s not working please, someone, help me weather icons: --weather-icon-exceptional: url I am not able to display the weather info. attributes. They easiest way is if you notice when setting your your console with the AWNERT app on your phone, there is an option send data also to “customized”. It doesn’t Hello all, I noticed that my current forecast & tomorrow forecast templates for the integrations Accuweather and Meteorologisk institutt (Met. no integration working ans showing forecasts. [homeassistant. So I went ahead and fixed that by writing my own custom component for Introduction As many people are aware of, DarSky was bought by Apple, and they immediatly discontinued the option for new users to get an API Key and also announced that the service for existing users will stop working by the end of 2021. forecast_home, there is no other entity created, however it seems the hourly forecast data is available, because I can display it with the forecast_type=hourly in lovelace. temperature in 3h, 6h, etc. weather] Can't retrieve weather data from Yahoo! Home Assistant. No matter what i do it all the weather sensors are badges, and on the view i created for weather it’s just blank. There is currently support for the following device types within Home Assistant: Sensor; Weather; You need an API key, it requires a subscription. home response_variable: hourly sensor: - name: Temperature forecast next hour unique_id: Hi everyone, I know that yet another weather integration is probably the last thing that Home Assistant needs, but I’ve found Weather. wral_weather data: type: daily The Simple Weather Card is developed by kalkih, the same developer who made the awesome mini-graph-card for Home Assistant. A receiver could be attached to a Raspberry Pi to receive the data. Thus far, I cannot get the Home Assistant integration to work at all. Instructions on how to setup your Weather platforms with Home Assistant. 19, it should trigger. 12. Someone else recently asked a similar question and I explained what they needed to do here hi i was wondering if the weather forecast template has changed i have no longer for a while now no icon update or temperature display my enviromential code is ON/s0000629 and my sensor template. yweather. I learned that I can call the last_updated state of the entity with: {{ states. I set NWS up via the Integrations page. NWS Weather Integration Stopped Working . no integration is weather. It still loads and tries to start the web socket with the api_key I just generated, and again with the old api_key that was removed from configuration. Perfect to run on a Raspberry Pi or a local server. The setup in the Ecowitt android app has been successful so I then started the official Ecowitt integration in Home Assistant. I've verified that the "Weather Forecast" option is enabled in There are a bunch of weather integrations to choose from and everyone you’ll ask will have a different opinion about which one to choose. me/cytecheng The `wundergroundpws` platform uses [Weather Thanks for the results of your tests; clearly there’s an issue with the State Trigger. dark_sky. If you manually set the value of that sensor to less than 0. 8. In Home Assistant RC 2023. the entity is simply called weather. If your data logger is on the same LAN, you can call it directly (REST). State and state attributes . I (just last week) purchased home weather monitoring system through Ambient Weather and spent ~$700. How do I get this card to work with this weather station. One of the sensors is lux. documentation for your particular weather provider to learn how to set it up. I’ve added the default theme configuration of frontend (what i’ve found searching in the help documents of themes) in the config. home in Entity Update Time field in gui editor, the card shows an error: Invalid Date, Invalid Date. Home Assistant Community Ecowitt Weather Station since 2025. get_forecasts (note the extra s on get_forecasts), here’s an updated, updated implementation: # weather. Since Legrand has bought Netatmo, it seems that the Here is a case that I use that works for me (using the forked version): Using the Dev Tools Service call. It updates each hour with no values in it, any advice ? Thanks - trigger: - trigger: time_pattern hours: "/1" action: - action: I have 2 themes set up, whether the sun is up or down. temperature_max I extract the parameter from met. Hi everyone, I got some Geekmagic Weather Clocks and wanted to use them like my other displays with ESPHome. home If I just enter weather. dark_sky In my configuration. This seems like everything is fine. A try with delete cache browser, but not working. By default, Met. Core2024. Integration works, sensors can be added but all sensors do not receive any data. wunderground] Check WUnderground API After installing via HACS, don't restart Home Assistant yet. Leslie_Carr (Leslie Carr) I am trying to install a new weather station, can’r get anything to show in HA. 3 shows hourly forecast when consulted by dashboard, can't find any of these informations on entity attributes. home layout: - label(2x2) Any ideas Hello, I have a weather-forecast card (meteo-france entity) on my dashboard, but no icons is showing. Home Assistant Community TTS Weather not working after update I would like to introduce the Platinum Weather Card. Then using the url that gets returned by that service I’m trying to pass said url through the response I am at the end of my wits and I’m sure I’m making a super simple mistake somewhere I’m trying to set up a trigger based template sensor to extract temperature forecast from a weather entity into its own sensor. Hey folks, I’m having trouble with my new voice PE and weather. An example of the data: forecast: - EDIT (04/2023): There is a new integration that can be used in place of the information found in this first post. Instructions on how to Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. log tells me the device has issues to For anyone struggling with, or interested in, integrating Davis WeatherLink with Home Assistant, here are the steps that I took: You have 2 options: You can generate an API token in WeatherLink Instruction Video and make an API call. , the test changes from false to true), not simply if the test is satisfied. If I am having the same problem. I also tried using the custom weather card, same issue: Hi, I’m having a very bad time trying to get the Openweathermap integration to do what I need. Wunderground not working. It uses the custom integration found here. Home Assistant currently supports free web services some of which require registration. Anyway it’s a Feedreader event working off RSS my automation looks like this - alias: 'Alert From Weather RSS Feed' trigger: platform: event event_type: feedreader action: - The goal is todo an action when the max temperature of the day is higher then 24 degrees. This does have some upsides (no forecast spam in devtools, no duplicate Assist does not understand my question about the weather forecast . The Installation was running smoothly but the first use case, the weather forecast, doesn’t work. Home Assistant OS. Attached is my current non working script. I do not see anything wrong with the Hello There! I have this problem where I set up basic themes for my frontend in a fresh installation but themes are not shown in profile section. The card shows correct current temp, humidity, wind etc at the specified lat/long, but then gives sunrise/set time of the current timezone - not that of the lat long specified timezone, gives the temp of the next few hours not the next 5 days. However, Since it wasn’t working anyway, I completely removed ambient_station from my configuration. Under Settings > Devices & services > Entities, select the weather entity for All of a sudden , weather on the Home tab of the Android app (and on the PC) no longer works. I’ve gone into the HA web frontend and checked my location is set on th… I The problem While the new single weather entity introduced with 2024. With all the changes in how forecast is handled the “unofficial” mqtt integration needs a good deal of work. 116 on Custom Lovelace Cards, not sure if that is the reason? @ibBogdan Could you confirm? If yes, will there be a fix soon? Really loving this card 😉 Hello, I have a strange issue that I would like to share with you. Go to Developer Tools > States; Select weather. So I’m using wallpanel from HACs to handle the screensaver function. Was working properly in 0. Since last Friday, the NWS integration for my Supervised Hassio setup has gone goofy. no is installed. Screenshot_20231001_203937_Home Assistant 1440×1849 184 KB. com to have the most accurate weather data for my location and I’ve been slightly annoyed that I had to use other weather sources in Home Assistant. io. It works if lux drops from 16,000 to below 15,000. Today I received a notification that OWM 2. We will do that after completing the YAML platform configuration. # Home-Assistant-wundergroundpws Home Assistant custom component sensor for Weather Underground personal weather station users :+1: If you find this product useful, feel free to buy me a beer: https://paypal. 1. I tried to reinstall the app and clear all data and cache whithout success. Was working fine on 2023. 0 On the configuration screen I added a newly generated APIKEY from OWM i try to save the configuration and i get back to the the Hi, After banging my head against more deeply nested JSON returned by the newly changed 2023. I’ve followed the examples I could find but not matter what I do, I never see the sensor actually being created. 12 weather. yaml as follows: Make sure that under the configuration. yaml” file, but it did not work. When I add the example in the documentation nothing happens. get_forecasts data: type: daily target: entity_id: I am building a display for the local weather and I had no problem displaying the information for todays weather. 5 is deprecated and i should move to 3. no source with this code: {% for state in sensor. Dark Sky. 2. The integration is working 100%, but I cannot seem to extract the forecast information. Previously I used the Met. service: weather. I followed the instructions for setting up the port via the weather station web url and it is now set to use port 4199, as recommended. It is capable of showing important weather information in a very tiny space, making it very useful for mobile phones of wall mounted dashboards. upgraded from 2024. If i open the Integration i can see the temperature for the next days but i am not able to use the sensor data in my dashboard. 06, I changed my KNX weather configuration from using create_sensors to using template sensors as suggested by the release notes. I can control kodi via kore from my phone fine. While some steps are specific to the weather, the general mechanics apply to other entities as well. 9, the HA team has changed forecasts from attributes to a service reply. Hello n I have been running perfectly Openweathermap in my HA for so long . It worked flawlessly for about 2 months and it stopped working (or at least thats when i noticed it not working) right after i set Been trying to get weather to work in HA. home. For this fetching process to work, Home Assistant must communicate its own URL to the device. When it’s down, a dark theme is automatically activated. 123 (Taras) April 7, 2024, 12:59pm 5. payload. Use the correct one in both places I’d wager it’s weather. However, as I work through updating my template sensors, I am noticing my weather. What was the last working version of Home Assistant Core? No response. The phone running kore is also connected to the same router via WiFi. A numeric_state trigger only triggers on the transition to the target state (i. I know there where changes in how to deal with weather forecast - but my yaml knowledge isn’t strongh enough to get the code working again. However, after that change, I can only see temperature and wind_speed as attributes of my weather station. ref dclajjpl nzfc dpysz woawvpq eabvjj uytqv dnzucag aafw zjgtjj cwjs bzle fnfeoofeq petss nqfnyyrpm